
Rise to the Competition!
With its advanced design with finger positioners and ringer breaker, the Competition will help you elevate your Tournament Competition. Order a pair today in your choice of classic Silver, Red, or Blue in Light, Medium, and Heavy weights. Learn more about Omega Horseshoe Company's commitment to producing Drop-Forged high-quality horseshoes and while maintaining its user-friendly affordability.
The Drop Forge Difference
Unlike most horseshoes made today of cast iron or low quality steel (that often easily crack or break) Competition Horseshoes are manufactured using the top-quality Gold Standard Drop Forge process with premium AISI steel. Forging produces a unique internal grain structure that endows the exceptional strength and durability the this horseshoe is famous for (not the air pockets and internal voids common to cast horseshoes that cause breakage). You pitch with quality when you Rise to the Competition!